Social Bookmarking with Wordpress
22 May 2008 – Madrid
Pressmark is a Wordpress installation with all you need to start a social bookmarking website (like,, …).
You can see a demo of Pressmark installation on
Pressmark includes Wordpress Prologue theme, which has been used by Wordpress team to have a twitter-like dev-blog.
Prologue include Gravatar support, so go to upload your avatar on to have a nicer output!
If you feel like adding your own modification to the code, you can clone/fork the project on Github: All contributions are welcomed!
Ideas to extend Pressmark:
- Bookmarlet, Jabber bot for easy posting;
- Import from bigger social-bookmark accounts (delicious, magnolia, …)
- Cross-blogging to decentralized bookmark management in various blog spaces
- Get Pressmark source code:
- Download it from Github
- If you’ve got git installed, clone it from Github (to easily get last updated): git clone git:// pressmark
- Move the source to your webserver, ask a geek how to do it if you don’t know :)
- Wordpress configuration: copy ‘wp-config-sample.php’ to ‘wp-config.php’ and fill up the MySQL database information.
- Access to the website where you’ve installed Pressmark, and begin the “2 min. installation” from Wordpress
- Now that your website is ready, go in the administration pages and activate the following options:
- In ‘Design’: select ‘Pressmark’ theme;
- In ‘Setting’: select ‘Anyone can register’ and set the ‘New User Default Role’ to ‘Author’ if you want your users to post links;
- In ‘Plugins’: activate ‘WP-OpenID’ plugin