Quite a productive week with a lot of discoveries on GitHub, a little surf over there bring you to a lot of interesting projects and blogs:
- Sunfox: A blog by a french guy, refreshing articles and music
- Kevin Marsh: interesting articles about git and rails, with some nice best-pratices
- Panda: Video encoding made easy with AWS, interesting to build a video portal without worrying about server diskspace
- objectiveresource: A port of Ruby on Rails’ ActiveResource to Objective-C (and specifically the iPhone), I’ll need to have a look after a week working on iPhone dev
And the todo list for coming week:
- Work with Seb on merb to refactor his CMS/eCommerce platform, lots of ideas about how to use merb potential and give it a nice kick
- Binema reboot: use a twitter bot to add/edit movies on a reborn Binema. It could use CouchDB to create a many-universe torrent tracker
- Jekyll plugin: I really need to find a way to insert dynamic content in Jekyll blog generator, like a rss feed block that would be generated at the creation. Bad stuff is that this content would be static until next generation. To follow
- Wordpress JSON: it would be nice if I can get wordpress to export its data as json, it shouldn’t be too hard
- DouceOffensive iPhone app: just a first demo case to be sure I’m able to dev some niceties on iPhone for future contracts
- Barceloneta.fr iPhone app: an eCommerce application that would serve a lot of people, the next big hit in my pocket :)